People in Peril
Baštová 343/5
811 03 Bratislava
Billing information
Človek v ohrození, n.o.
Baštová 343/5
811 03 Bratislava
IČO: 5008 2001
DIČ: 2120195154
nezisková organizácia registrovaná Okresným úradom Bratislava pod číslom OVVS-24106/502/2017-NO
For complaints or other feedback about our programmes, or if you have experienced harassment, abuse, or other forms of exploitation, please contact All complaints are handled confidentially by an independent team and investigated through appropriate means. It is always free to raise a complaint to People in Peril, and you will not be penalized in any way.
Help for people from Ukraine
INFOLINE – in case you need help
+421 800 601 821
(working days 8:00-18:00)
Donor care
Radka Horniaková
for individual donors
Ľuboslava Šestáková
for legal entities
We use a one-way phone number for communication with donors: +421220570041