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21 Sep 2022

We help repair buildings in Ukraine

Imagine having to leave your home from one day to the next, perhaps never to return to it again. Suddenly, your safe place becomes an unfamiliar building where you live in makeshift conditions. This is the reality of many Ukrainian men and women. Buildings where internally displaced people live often need adaptation. This is the aim of our Shelter Programme (Shelter Programme) to adapt temporary accommodation.

Community centre before reconstruction…

To help improve the living conditions of internally displaced Ukrainian men and women, our colleagues will renovate a total of 8 buildings on their own. Two of them were already completed in July. In August, we started work on the construction of six showers and the repair of part of the roof in the Peretyn Lyceum, which will contribute to better accommodation conditions for about 150 people. We estimate that we will be able to complete the repairs by the end of September.

Twelve other buildings are being reconstructed in cooperation with People in Need. However, there was a change in August and our plans were altered for two buildings. We found out that one of the buildings was already housing soldiers instead of displaced men and women, and the other building was refused by the mayor of the village. At the end of August we managed to finish the inside of three of the buildings and we will finish the other three during September.

…and after reconstruction

In August, the programme also included a trip to Koločava, Synevyr, Volovec and Dubové in order to visit the buildings where we work together with People in Need. While the task of our Czech colleagues is to modify the rough structures of the selected buildings, People in Need is responsible for the interior of the buildings. The trip was also attended by the civic association Spolka, with whom we are working on the interiors.

At People in Danger, we believe that even internally displaced people deserve decent housing. People affected by war need a place where they feel safe and comfortable. Equally important is the improvement of their temporary homes and the functionality of the furnishings in the buildings where Ukrainians and Ukrainian women live. We will continue our work.
