In November, it is possible to request a free file from the list of foreclosures
Even this year, most Slovak men and women do not have it easy. First, the world was gripped by a pandemic, as a result of which many lost their incomes, and now we are again troubled by inflation and rising energy prices. The situation is really difficult, especially for people who have to pay off debts. While some have started saving, others do not know how to proceed in these difficult times, how to create a concrete plan, what is better to save on, or how to get another source of income. For this reason, we are bringing something new during the month of November – the possibility to request a free file from the foreclosure list.
The 10th annual Debt Free Day will take place in Slovakia. People who are paying off debts and need advice can use the free phone line 800223322 or ask their questions via the website throughout the month of November. At the same time, interested parties can ask professional advisors for free for an file from the Central Record of Executions, i.e. information on whether execution is currently being conducted against them. “The cause of the debt trap may not always be irresponsible behavior associated with low financial literacy, but a complicated life situation caused by, for example, a pandemic or inflation,” said Jaroslava Palendalová, CEO of KRUK Czech and Slovak Republic, which is the organizer of Debt Free Day.

Even in People in Need, we encounter the difficult life situations of various people who have found themselves in debt. In seven community centers, our colleagues have been working on increasing people’s financial literacy for a long time. “The environment and life in the communities we are trying to develop is marked by a lack of resources and persistent poverty. Most of the people we work with are dependent on the social security net and benefits system. Borrowing is a natural survival strategy. In the field, we register cases where people who receive a loan also receive a loan for whom it is obvious that they will not be able to repay it or people with low legal awareness who often do not understand all the conditions,” said our colleague Anastazij Momot, head of the social work program.
The task of our colleagues is to penetrate more deeply into the situation of the debtor. According to them, career counseling and continuous improvement of financial literacy are equally necessary and important in the debt relief process. Our colleagues help people throughout the year precisely within the framework of career counseling.
The organizer of Debt Free Day is the company KRUK Czech and Slovak Republic (KRUK), which focuses on the management of receivables from financial institutions and corporate customers. The event takes place in cooperation with the project, the cities of Prešov and Košice, and the non-profit organization People in Need.