Bosnia and Herzegovina
In 2006, we started our activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on integrated education for children with special needs in primary schools. The aim was to improve social inclusion through workshops for teachers and parents and to promote the exchange of experiences at international level. In the first year we trained 44 parents and 5 teachers in Sarajevo Canton.
In 2007 we extended the project to other cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In workshops attended by 240 parents and 45 educators, we focused on raising awareness and promoting the integration of children with special needs. In addition, we organised exchanges between experts from Slovakia and Bosnia, where social workers from Bosnia visited institutions in Slovakia.
In 2008, we continued to develop the project, extending it to three cantons. In May, we organised a study trip of five social inclusion experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Bratislava and Vienna. The experts visited various organisations and social service homes, which was a follow-up to the 2007 seminars attended by 169 educators. During these seminars, they were introduced to modern methods facilitating the integration of children with special needs into mainstream schools.
As part of the SlovakAid volunteer programme, we sent our volunteer to the country in 2023 to work on energy transformation, improving urban space and local life in the city of Mostar. She also contributed to the revitalisation of public spaces, not only through their revitalisation, but also through the support of smaller local organisations and cultural associations that connected people regardless of their age, gender, nationality or social and religious background.