In 2004, People in Peril established its first permanent mission in Kabul, focusing on education reconstruction and education programmes for the illiterate population. In particular, we responded to the reality of the poor educational level of Afghan women; at that time, only six percent of women and girls in Afghanistan could read and write. In Kapisa province, we therefore focused on the reconstruction of rural girls’ schools.
At the same time, we started educational activities for rural women in cooperation with a local partner. They participated in courses aimed at acquiring job skills. A micro-loan fund was set up for women from disadvantaged families and for widows who were interested in small business. We also organised training for traditional midwives in Afghanistan. In cooperation with the Afghan organisation Aschiana, we have been running a long-distance adoption programme since 2005 to support the education of street children.
We have built an institute of higher education in Charikar that provides one-year vocational courses in agriculture for boys and two-year vocational courses in management and journalism for girls. We have used green technology in the construction of the building in Charikar. We trained labourers and local construction companies.