In 2019 in Myanmar, together with People in Need, we helped families in Rakhine State affected by military conflict and natural disasters. We gave them 50 goats and 15 water filters, improving their access to drinking water and helping them secure their livelihoods. People who suffered from the effects of flooding and conflict had very limited mobility and access to basic services.
Between 2020 and 2022, we continued our work in Myanmar, where we focused on supporting young leaders and local community organisations. Our priority was to build mutual respect and tolerance between different religious and ethnic groups. In Rakhine State, we worked with six youth groups and six NGOs to implement community development projects and foster social connections.
In addition, we supported 11 NGOs in Mon and Kayin states to provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable groups and raise awareness about coronavirus and equality. These initiatives reached more than 14,500 people. In total, we supported 234 young leaders and 28 NGOs during our work in Myanmar, helping to improve understanding and tolerance in the country, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic and the military coup.