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The World Between the Lines

Globalization and the processes that accompany it bring us into an increasingly direct relationship with people and events in other parts of the planet. What was once far away suddenly touches us directly, the world has literally shrunk before our eyes.

  Therefore, it is no longer enough to divide the world and news from it into “domestic” and “foreign”. It should be perceived as an interconnected complex of diverse and not always fair relationships, bonds and connections, of which we ourselves are a direct part. And journalism should also reflect this new, expanded perception of the world around us. An approach that builds on this awareness is global development journalism. And it is precisely this approach to journalism that is supported by the World Between the Lines initiative, the educational part of which is covered primarily by the non-profit organization People in Need, but we also actively cooperate with other Slovak and foreign non-governmental organizations.
“The course strengthened my belief that as a future journalist I have a responsibility towards those who are not heard in the media and in the dominant discourse. The groups that are most vulnerable to prejudice or intolerance deserve to be given the space and opportunity to tell their side of the story and thus highlight the discrimination and human rights violations they often face. Using several such cases, the course reminded me that it is necessary to write.” Participant of the course within the Spring 2019 World between the Lines program
Our initiative and the educational program associated with it enable (not only) future journalists to see between the lines, to reveal the origin of their own attitudes, stereotypes or prejudices and to transfer this knowledge to their further practice in the context of various global topics and phenomena that the world lives by today. As part of the program, we implement university courses, publish, organize journalist trips, create media projects, workshops, presentations, discussions and analyzes of the media environment. At the Comenius University in Bratislava and the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, we run the courses Global Challenges (not only) for journalists (since autumn 2015) and Global Development Journalism (since autumn 2018). In cooperation with Hospodársky noviny, we run our own HN Global section:

Publications in the Slovak language:

Svet medzi riadkami – učebné texty a materiály k VŠ kurzu Obrazy menšín v našich hlavách: ako nepísať o “iných” bez “iných” – príručka žurnalistiky citlivej k menšinám

Our media projects:

Koniec chudoby?, Rozvojová spolupráca / (júl 2018) Vianoce na blate, Svet inak, / (nominované na novinársku cenu 2016) Šťastné a konzumné, (nominované na novinársku cenu 2015) Ciele udržateľného rozvoja s HN (20-dielny seriál pri príležitosti prijatia SDGs, 2015)